Put up or shut up!


Over the years and after working with countless artists, it is easy to forget what an artist really goes through when they exhibit their art. They open themselves up for critical review and there is significant exposure on the part of the artist. They might be appear to be nonchalant or even over-confident about exhibiting, but inside their stomach acids are working overtime. For me, it was time to put up or shut up.

The 'Foot in the Door' exhibit is different in this regard. It is completely democratic, because if it fits in the box, it exhibits. Consequently, it becomes much less about the art and more about just being able to exhibit and have fun. I submitted a photograph I took ten years ago. it is entitled "Midnight on Mason Street". It was taken in San Francisco and the image exposure was on the neon leg. This severely underexposed the rest of the image and you are left with these two illuminated signs on opposite sides of the street. It is a gimmick photo, but I am partial to gimmicks. I was raised on comic books and my favorite part was always the Johnson-Smith page on the inside back cover (x-ray glasses and such). The clearinghouse of gimmicks.

My favorite image from the exhibit has to be the seed art tribute to wrestler Baron von Raschke. Classic.
