On the topic of work, road trips & writer's block
has almost been six months to the day that this blog
has been updated. This is inexcusable and
consequently here are the excuses;
1) It has been very, very busy at the shop. The crush
began in August (the last blog posting) and has been
unrelenting ever since. The simple solution would be
to hire additional help to manage the workload and to
some degree that was the solution. But as a business
survivor of 2008 (remember Lehman Brothers?), you
learn not to trust short term business trends. So you
suck it up, put in long hours and satisfy each and
every customer.
2) Contributing to this work crush has been the
success of the new products at RedWingDigital.com.
This is a new business model for us and it takes time
to hammer out a smooth workflow. But if it were easy,
everybody would be doing it. Look for new products
3) It is supposed to be quiet in January so we closed
the shop for ten days and took a long road trip to
the most remote part of the United States that we
could find. However, this January was the busiest
January ever even with ten days removed from the
calendar. It isn't fair to have a customer wait for
my vacation, so it meant even longer days once we
4) This stuff doesn't write itself, especially when
you are tired and have convinced yourself you have
writer's block.
That being said, I promise not to allow that kind of
break in the blog pattern to ever occur