Behind the scenes of 'Foot in the Door 4'
Behind the Scenes at the "Foot in the Door" Exhibit
One of the perks of this job is being involved in interesting art exhibit projects from a 'behind the scenes' perspective. In other words, friends in the art world ask you to volunteer to help them with an event. Yesterday was a perfect example.
Every 10 years (this being the fourth time), The Minneapolis Institute of Arts hosts an event called the "Foot in the Door" exhibit. Essentially, any Minnesota resident, at no expense to themselves, can submit one original piece of art they have created to be exhibited at The Minneapolis Institute of Arts. The art cannot be larger than 12"x12" for wall art or larger than 12"x12"x12" for three-dimensional art. It is a terrific opportunity to exhibit in one of the most prestigious museums in the world for four months.
Art check-in takes place over four days. As a volunteer for the art check-in, my responsibilities were:
Ensure the art did not violate the size rule.
Collect the paperwork for each piece.
Assign a wall location.
Provide a receipt for the art.
Deliver the art to the staging area.
In other words, I was the first point of contact for the artists. The art itself was impressive, and the range was amazing. Each piece was cradled by the artists as if it were a newborn.
After the art is received, it is staged in an exhibit room and waits to be registered in the computer and photographed for the online catalogue. Over 1,000 artists checked in art on the first day, and over 3,000 submissions are expected. At the peak crowd size, the wait was 2.5 hours, but everybody was extremely patient and in a very good mood.
One of the other perks of volunteering is checking in your own art (and your friend's art) without the complication of waiting in line. Those will be posted later.
Today, my back is killing me (marble floors) and I am exhausted. It cost me a day's pay to be there, and the tuna sandwich was stale when I finally had a chance to eat. But I made many new friends, saw many familiar faces, and would do it again in a New York minute. I can't wait for the exhibit reception on February 18, 2010.