Time for a Max Becherer update...


It has 18 months since the last Max Becherer update. Just to refresh, we came to know Max five years ago when we hosted his photojournalism exhibit entitled "Through the lens; Life in Iraq". Max has been in Iraq since the very beginning of the conflict (remember "shock and awe"?) and has seen action in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Gaza.

Max has since gotten married and splits his time between Cairo, Egypt and California when he isn't in the field. He is still a combat photojournalist and he is still extremely talented. Max's work has been featured in Newsweek, Time, The New York Times, The New Yorker, US News and World Report and Men's Health.

Recently Newsweek Magazine asked Max to retrace the Iraq invasion in reverse, using his photos. That feature can be found here.

After you visit that site, please visit Max's website and enjoy his talent. It is rare to see photography this deep in the action.