The Creative and Real Estate Legacy of 312 West Avenue

By going backwards through telephone directories (this is known as 'doing a Jim Rockford') and speaking with Barb Tittle (the previous building owner), it was possible to stitch together a more complete history of this building. It has a very significant creative and real estate lineage.

312 West Avenue Chronology:

  • 1894 - 1902: Lidberg Studio (original location)

  • 1902 - 1920: Lidberg Studio (new location)

  • 1920 - 1936: E. H. Lidberg Real Estate

  • 1937 - 1947: Davison Studio

  • 1948 - 1949: Wood's Studio

  • 1950 - 1952: Hodge Studio

  • 1953 - 1979: Chalet Studio

  • 1980 - 2004: InComm Realty and Maas Realty (later Coldwell-Banker)

  • 2005 - 2007: Gary-Donald Arts, a private art dealer

  • 2008 - Present: Red Wing Framing Gallery

For 73 out of 115 years, this building has been home to six different creative studios. For 40 out of those same 115 years, it has been home to at least three real estate companies.


The traveling photojournalism exhibit


Put up or shut up!