Inverted Jenny

In 1918, an upside-down biplane was mistakenly printed on the 24-cent airmail stamp. Only 100 of these stamps were sold, and they are now valued at around $100,000 each among philatelists. Normally, a print inspector or postal clerk would have immediately caught the misprint. However, the clerk who sold the original sheet of inverted Jenny stamps famously said, "How was I to know the thing was upside down? I never saw an airplane before."

In 2013, the USPS reprinted the famous and rare inverted Jenny to the dismay of hardcore stamp collectors. According to USPS policy, “Postal Service employees should refrain from intentionally creating philatelic rarities.” Agency watchdogs suggest that the post office violated its own code by recreating this rare stamp to make money.

We're not philatelists ourselves, but we know a good framing subject when we see one. Our inverted Jenny sheet is floated and matted with TrueVue museum glass and a Superior Moulding frame.

Read more: HERE and HERE.


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